Men's Weekly Spiritual Challenge

Christmas is Coming

Posted by Dean Gage

John 1:14 “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, glory as the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”   

Yes, Christmas is only one week away.  I want to ask each of you this question, “How are you going to lead your family this Christmas?”  It will be a time of family gatherings, Christmas meals, opening of gifts, Santa Claus for the children and the reading of the Christmas story from God’s Word.  These are all a part of our Christmas traditions and are important.  However, we must lead a time of celebrating the true meaning of Christmas and make it a priority.  This birth and later the Cross of Christ woven together are the two most important events in the history of the world and the fulfillment of God’s plan for us.  They represent God’s love for us and confirmation of His promises according to Scripture. 

Christmas is Coming

John 1:14

Beginning with God walking with Adam and Eve in the garden, He has initiated and provided a relationship with man from the beginning.  He has continued to reveal Himself to man throughout history and even to this day.  He has always wanted to have a personal presence and relationship with us.  To bring this about, God sent his only Son as a man to live among us.  His very name of Immanuel given even before He was born means “God with us.”  That is the true meaning of Christmas.  The second name God gave him was Jesus which means, “The Lord is salvation.”  This was His purpose, ministry and provision to us.  When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, He will be “God with us” as He lives in us through His Holy Spirit.  This is the most confirming truth of His love and the Christmas message.  Share it this Christmas with your family as a reminder of God’s love which is a free gift to each of us unwrapped on Christmas day.  It is your responsibility to unwrap it and open it wide for all to see, share and experience this Christmas.