God has equipped each of us with unique talents and gifts so that we can serve one another in love. Join a volunteer ministry team today and you'll find the joy of serving the body of Christ. We look forward to connecting with you as we serve together!

Do you know your spiritual gifts? Take a quick survey to find out.
Spiritual Gifts Survey
Not sure where to start? Let us know your interests and we'll help you get plugged in.
Volunteer Interest Form

Kids Worship Volunteers

Volunteer, Sunday Morning, Serving Youth Under 18

Kids Ministry is looking for volunteers to serve once a month in Kids Worship during the 9:30 am worship on Sunday. Contact Amanda Ray to get involved.

re:generation Mentor

Volunteer, Sunday Evening

A mentor is a valuable part of the re:generation experience. A mentor provides a stable relationship for the participant outside of the re:generation group time. The mentor’s role is to point the participant to God through, prayer, encouragement, knowing and listening to them, helping them process through the steps, and above all providing biblical guidance. 

A qualified mentor must:
Be the same gender as the participant
Be a committed Christian (Have a clear understanding of the Gospel, and biblical foundation for life)
Be a member of Central or like-minded local Christian church

Special Event Volunteers

Serving Adults 18-65, Serving Adults 65+

We occasionally need ladies at our special events to assist as greeters, with ticketing & merchandise, or with decorations. Contact Caroline Sanders for more information.

Women's Mentoring

Volunteer, Serving Adults 18-65, Serving Adults 65+

Are you interested in sharing your experiences and wisdom to benefit future generations? Women interested in mentoring will be connected with other women of all ages. Contact Caroline Sanders for more information.

Bereavement Meal Team

Serving Adults 18-65, Serving Youth Under 18, Serving Adults 65+

A bereavement meal is offered to the family of members or regular attendees who pass away. Help us bless families who have lost a loved one by occasionally preparing a side dish or dessert. Contact Lee Hernandez to join the team.

Hospitality Team

Sunday Morning

Looking for a great way to get involved at Central? Consider serving with one of our Hospitality Team on Sunday mornings: Greeter Team, Usher Team, or Welcome Center Team. From holding the doors to assisting with finding a seat to answering questions, this important ministry serves as the welcoming face of Central to visitors. Volunteers are asked to commit to one Sunday per month. If interested, contact Sean Gould

Photographers Needed


Central Communications is creating a team of photographers to capture important moments & milestones in the life of our church. Whether you are a hobbyist or professional with the camera, if you have a passion for photography, we need you on our team! Contact Stephen Hokenson for more information.

New Member Greeters

Sunday Morning, Serving Adults 18-65, Serving Adults 65+

We need ladies who could occasionally fill in to welcome new women that join on Sunday mornings. This is a great way to be involved with the Women’s Ministry and is only a short-term commitment that would take about 5 minutes at the end of the service. To sign up, contact Caroline Sanders.

Trail Life

Serving Youth Under 18

Men, do you have a passion for mentoring? We have a place for you in Trail Life! Central’s Troop TX-1525 is a Christian discipleship ministry emphasizing character and leadership development through outdoor adventure for boys and young men. Make a difference in the next generation by serving as a one-on-one mentor and helping boys engage in group activities. The troop meets on Tuesday evenings and one weekend a month. Contact Jessica Pierce for more information.

Student Life Group Teachers

Sunday Morning, Serving Youth Under 18

Central Students Ministry is in need of Life Group teachers for 6th-12th grade students. Groups meet from 11:00am-noon on Sundays. If interested, contact Shelbi LeMeilleur.


Don't see your fit? Looking to volunteer elsewhere?
Let us know your interests - we'll help you get plugged in!